
Spirituality, Well-Being, and Mental Health During COVID-19

Jeanne Catherine

Jeanne Catherine

September 17, 2024

Jeanne is the co-founder, COO, and lead scientist of Innate Health Research

At the 2023 International Positive Psychology Conference, Innate Health Research presented preliminary data on the impact of Innate Health Realization theory. This theory suggests that humans possess an innate capacity for creativity, wisdom, and clarity, which can significantly improve mental health and well-being outcomes. While Humanistic, Transpersonal, and Positive Psychology touch upon similar concepts, few studies have explored this internal source as a catalyst for change.

Our research indicates that spiritual affiliation with an innate health understanding correlates with higher well-being and resilience, with stable anxiety and depression outcomes during stressful events. These results align with the resilience model's pathway A, which reflects stress resistance with minimal disturbance to adaptive function. By contrast, other spiritual affiliations show recovery only after an acute stressor, following pathway B.

Further research is required to determine the consistency of these findings and to explore the causal relationships and mechanisms behind these outcomes.

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